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En dat allemaal voor Minimum Loon.

Casey Tabo
(Happy Birthday)
Bruce Campbell
(Netflix's Ash vs Evil Dead, Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Spider-Man 2)
Devon Sawa
(Final Destination, Nikita, Life on the Line, Hunter Hunter)
Michael Jai White
(The Dark Knight, Spawn, Exit Wounds, Rogue Hostage)
Ivana Baquero
(Pan's Labyrinth, The New Daughter, The Shannara Chronicles, High Seas)
komedie - comedy
Nov 23, 2021
Speelduur/Running Time
81 min

Kijkwijzer/Age Rating

#cultheldbrucecampbell #evildead

Cultheld Bruce Campbell (Netflix’s Ash vs. Evil Dead) is terug zoals we hem kennen: Gestoord en vechtend voor z’n leven! Black Friday in de mega-speelgoedwinkel We Luv Toys. Zoals elk jaar lopen hordes hysterische koopjesjagers het winkelpersoneel onder de voet. Maar door een meteoorinslag zijn ze dit jaar agressiever en gewelddadiger dan ooit. Doorgedraaide bedrijfsleider Jonathan probeert deze onverwachte wending te gebruiken om z’n omzet te verhogen. Zijn personeel vecht voor hun leven tegen bloeddorstige shoppers die de term “Ik sloop je voor een koopje” wel heel letterlijk nemen…
Re-stock the shelves, mop the floors.
Fight for your life
And all that for minimum wage

It’s the annual Black Friday sale at ‘We Luv Toys’ department store! Forty-something slacker Ken (Devon Sawa) and his co-workers are getting ready to spend one hell of a night under the orders of their doormat of a store manager Jonathan (Bruce Campbell). At midnight, doors open, and hordes of frantic, angry shoppers invade the aisles. This year though, they are on a whole other level – they are literally ready to kill each other as a contagious parasite turns them into zombie-like creatures, looking to infect anyone who crosses their path. Ken, Jonathan and a small group of clerks barricade themselves inside the store, but they don’t have much time before the infected find them. Their co-worker Archie (Michael Jai White), built like a truck and armed with an automatic nail hammer, leads the operation to find a way out, while Ken does whatever it takes to protect his new love interest Marnie (Ivana Baquero), including punching, choking or stabbing. No doubt that this Black Friday will be the most hectic night of the year!